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About Us

The Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star Rite of Adoption for the State of North Carolina Jurisdiction, An Affiliate of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina and Jurisdiction, Incorporated is a 501 (c) (8) organization.


In 2004 under the leadership of PGM Valeria Collins, the Grand Chapter adopted the mission to “SERVE” Since this adoption each administration main focus has been:


S – Serving community through our commitment to the building of strong and healthy families, political awareness and involvement, and one-on-one caring and sharing that will benefit all.


E – Educating ourselves to a better understanding of who we are, while supporting the education of our young people through the continued support of programs and institutions (i.e., public schools, HBCUs).


R – Religious conviction, our spiritual lives and principals, will provide wisdom, knowledge and understanding for all we endeavor to do.


V – Valuing those things that are good, nurturing, and sustaining will help us to train the young, enrich the lives of the mature, and lift the community to a better understanding of the importance of good solid “core values.”


E – Economic growth is essential to our continued development as an organization. Education about the power of ownership.

Understanding how are contribute to the employment of our communities. Support with strength the activities to which we are committed.


Each new administration has added their own twist, but the mission still remains.


Will you help?

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